Book Coaching Services

Turning your business knowledge into a book and sharing your client success stories enriches your sales and marketing content.
Talk to me about how your business story will make a difference in attracting new clients.
Creating a story from your experiences is an immense gift to help others benefit from your learnings and wisdom.
Book a chat to explore how your voice will make a difference in the head-health and self-help world.
Sharing your story enables you to leave a legacy and weave the gold dust from your memories into a memoir or novel.
Speak with me about what you'd like to share and how your story could heal and help others too.
About Debs
“I really know how it feels to get stuck.”
The idea behind Story Healing is that each one of us holds a unique story. And while not everyone wants to write a book, we do need someone to listen when we feel stuck in life.
Being able to share the story of your heart and soul helps you feel less lonely and identify your true purpose in life. This opens up more opportunities for you to do your best work and live your most creative life. Sharing your story could help someone else too - better mental health for all.
So what’s my story? I am an empathic listener, a curious problem solver, a marketing mentor, a book coach, a compassionate writer and a true connector.
Yet as a professional copywriter, I really do know how it feels to get stuck! I’ve spent years working through how to overcome those pesky mental blockages when faced with a blank page.
Working with me you’ll feel lighter and more ready to focus on your next steps - whether that’s writing or promoting a book or heading for a different life goal.

Story Healing Sessions

Author Mentoring
Where do you need help? We can discuss writing, editing and publishing your story to give you a solid foundation for finishing your book.
To boost your energy for the writing, we’ll explore your story, how you’ve developed your ideas and themes for marketing it.
You’ll feel ready to tackle your next steps with fresh energy and greater perspective.

Book Marketing
Who do you want to reach? We’ll lexplore how to accelerate your book marketing by choosing tools which will suit you.
To create momentum with your book promotion, we discuss your values and topics you’re happy to become known for.
You’ll be equipped to market your book and achieve greater visibility for you as an author.

Business Book
What’s your business goal? We analyse how your book would complement your services, then plan how to develop the content and promote your book as a lead generation tool for your services.
To identify opportunities, we align the content with your values, helping address clients' challenges.
Clients need your process and support to help with levelling up.