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For Midlife Stories

When you've been through experiences that you wish you'd known some shortcuts for, you're in a perfect position to write a self-help book. Writing it will help you to:


1) Process your feelings from the experience, writing the book you wish you'd had at the time 

2) Offer empathy, help and support to others going through a similar problem

3) Create a positive narrative, reframing the lessons you learned into to a positive outcome


There are benefits of becoming an author which can open up new opportunities for you, such as speaking at events to build a side-income for yourself. Taking part in events means you can help more people in the room and also promote your book.


This five-step book mentoring program will enable you to build a plan and give you support to write regularly to develop the content. Choose weekly sessions to kick off at a faster pace, or fortnightly or monthly to offer you space around your work and life.

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Midlife Self Help Star

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Step 1: Describe the challenge - we review what happened to you and how that problem came about. Hindsight is a blessing which can show you a different perspective - what can you see now that wasn't obvious at the time?


Step 2: Who it affects - we look at who your audience will be and who this problem tends to affect the most, are they like you? How much do you know about them and what will help them most through sharing your experience?


Step 3: Steps to overcome it - we explore the journey you went on to overcome that problem. Each stage you went through could be valuable to someone else. What did you have to do or change? 


Step 4: Stories and data - we find out who else this has affected, how this problem is affecting society and you go on a journey to include more data or other examples to support what you've learned about the topic.


Step 5: Outcome and benefits - we highlight the benefits these changes have brought you. How might others feel once they've read your story? What might they feel or do or have in their life?


I can support you with the research as part of our book coaching and accountability sessions. Read more About Working with Debs here.

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